All of our sitters must pass a 5 step screening process and are:
At Kauai Babysitting Company, safety is our number one concern! All sitters are certified in both adult and infant CPR/ First Aid. They also have various extensive backgrounds in childcare and other areas. Let us help navigate the safest terrain and shores for safe keiki (kids) fun! Have peace of mind knowing your little ones are in safe hands!
Carving adult time into your vacation is a must. Whether you’re looking for dining options, family friendly activities, safest beaches, ultimate adventure tours, sites, tours or attractions, let us help! We are a treasure trove of great insider info.
You’ll get a confirmation ASAP with the date(s), time(s), location, room number, name of your sitter, cancellation policy and payment information in writing for you. Your sitter will text you the day-of your sit to introduce herself and make sure everything is ready to go!
Give us a call and one of our friendly and professional representatives will set you up with a babysitter that suits your child's needs. Mahalo!